16 Additionally, depression, substance use disorders and psychosis are the most important psychiatric risk factors for suicide. This is both at an indirect level in terms of absenteeism, productivity loss and underperformance, as well as at a direct level in terms of the need for hospital care, medication, social services and income support. 10 13–15 Due to the chronic nature of mental health issues, poor mental health in university students has the potential to result in significant future economic consequences on society.

12 Moreover, university students face a host of academic, interpersonal, financial and cultural challenges. 8–11 For instance, the WHO World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Project surveyed 13,984 undergraduate freshman students across eight countries and found that one-third of students had an anxiety, mood or substance use disorder. 5–7 In fact, psychological distress has been reported as being significantly higher among university students compared to their non-student peers. 2–4 Psychological and emotional problems in university students have been on the rise, both in frequency and severity. 1 The transition to university often coincides with young adulthood and a peak of mental illness onset due to decreased support from family and friends, increased financial burden, loneliness and intense study periods. Young adults, aged 18–25, are disproportionality affected by mental health disorders when compared with the rest of the population.